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HomeFactsApollo 11 vs. Modern Smartphones: A Giant Leap in Processing Power

Apollo 11 vs. Modern Smartphones: A Giant Leap in Processing Power

In the annals of human achievement, few events stand out as boldly as the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. It was a historic moment that captured the world’s imagination and marked a giant leap for humankind. What’s even more astonishing is that the computer used for the Apollo 11 mission had less processing power than the average modern smartphone. In this article, we’ll explore this incredible contrast and what it reveals about the remarkable progress of technology.

The Apollo 11 Mission

On July 20, 1969, NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the lunar surface while Michael Collins orbited above in the command module. The mission’s success was a culmination of years of research, engineering, and meticulous planning. However, one of the most critical components of the mission was the onboard computer, known as the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC).

The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)

The AGC was a marvel of its time, designed and built by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Instrumentation Laboratory. It was a compact, cutting-edge computer for its era, weighing approximately 70 pounds and measuring 24 inches by 12 inches by 6 inches. It was a far cry from the sleek, handheld devices we use today.

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What makes the AGC even more remarkable was its computing power—or rather, its lack of it, by today’s standards. The AGC operated at a clock speed of about 1.024 MHz and had a mere 2,048 words (equivalent to approximately 4 KB) of RAM. In contrast, modern smartphones boast multi-core processors with clock speeds exceeding 2 GHz and RAM measured in gigabytes, often 8 GB or more. The processing power of the AGC was minuscule compared to even the most basic modern computing devices.

Computing Under Constraints

The AGC’s limited processing power was a constraint that NASA’s engineers had to work around. It was responsible for handling critical navigation, guidance, and control tasks during the mission. From calculating lunar descent trajectories to managing spacecraft systems and even dealing with alarms, the AGC had to perform admirably under enormous pressure.

To put it into perspective, the AGC’s computing power was roughly equivalent to that of a basic pocket calculator. Yet, it managed to successfully guide the spacecraft safely to the moon and back, a testament to the ingenuity of the engineers and astronauts who relied on it.

Modern Smartphone vs. AGC

Comparing the AGC to a modern smartphone is like pitting a horse-drawn carriage against a Formula 1 race car. Smartphones today are not only capable of handling complex computations but also serve as communication hubs, entertainment devices, cameras, and much more.

Modern smartphones are equipped with powerful multi-core processors, advanced GPUs, and ample RAM, allowing them to run sophisticated applications, render high-definition graphics, and perform real-time tasks with ease. They are also connected to vast networks of satellites and data centers, providing users with instant access to a wealth of information and services.

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The Evolution of Technology

The stark contrast between the AGC and modern smartphones highlights the astonishing evolution of technology in just a few decades. While the AGC was a groundbreaking achievement in its time, it now seems primitive in comparison to the devices we carry in our pockets every day.

This evolution is not limited to computing power alone. It encompasses miniaturization, energy efficiency, connectivity, and user interfaces. It reflects the relentless pursuit of progress and innovation in the tech industry, driven by the demand for smaller, faster, and more capable devices.


The computer used for the Apollo 11 moon landing, the AGC, was a triumph of engineering and ingenuity, accomplishing an extraordinary feat with minimal processing power. In contrast, modern smartphones are technological marvels, boasting processing capabilities that dwarf the AGC’s capabilities.

The stark contrast between the AGC and modern smartphones reminds us of how far we’ve come in the realm of technology. It underscores the power of human innovation and our ability to push the boundaries of what is possible. As we marvel at the capabilities of our modern devices, we should also take a moment to appreciate the humble beginnings of computing and the audacious dreams that led us to the moon and beyond.



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